Dozens of patients filed suit against three cardiologists at an Indiana hospital for performing unnecessary procedures that amount to medical malpractice and, in some instances, wrongful death.
Debra Davidson has a scar to constantly remind her of the open heart surgery that she claims she never needed. Serious health challenges haunt Steve Mayerak after the doctors performed multiple heart procedures that he later discovered were unnecessary. Lynn Blosky blames the doctors for the death of her 33 year-old son who received a pacemaker he actually never needed. These complaints and others like them, help substantiate the findings that 75 percent of heart procedures performed at the hospital was unnecessary.
Money, the likely motive
Money may be the driving force behind the doctors’ actions. The doctors are listed as the top cardiologist for Medicare reimbursements in Indiana and nationally. As they performed more procedures, the doctors can generate more income. Note that cardiology is not the only specialty where procedures are performed unnecessarily.
Studies show that approximately 10-20% of procedures across specialties were not necessary. In these cases, the specialist either did not have medical support for the procedure or they diverted from the standards of care to explore non-surgical treatments. That amounts to millions of dollars in improper Medicaid and other insurance payouts.
Costly payouts to victims
Since 2005 over one-thousand doctors made payments to settle or close medical malpractice suits that involved allegations of unnecessary procedures. Most of the payments involved serious and permanent injury or death. And, since the claims often included multiple plaintiffs, the toll of victims may total several thousands.
Let experienced attorneys prove your case
If you are uncertain of a procedure recommended by your doctor, request a second opinion. Don’t fall prey to the predators that enrich themselves by bilking you for medical procedures that are not medically warranted. Contact our staff of skilled medical malpractice attorneys to secure just compensation for your injury.
If you have any questions on this blog or need information on other personal injury queries, please call the Law offices of Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath located in West Palm Beach at 1-800 4-RIGHTS (1-800- 474-4487) We welcome your call and look forward to helping you.
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