Making a determination that you need a lawyer depends a number of variables. For instance, if you were clearly at fault in an accident in which you got injured, or if you were trespassing on someone’s property and was attacked and bitten by their dog, you may not have a case. Unfortunately, there are subtle nuances to every situation that may cast doubt or cause you to question whether or not you have a case. It is for this reason the attorneys at the law firm of Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath at For Your Rights have compiled the following information to help answer this question.

If you are not sure that you need a lawyer, it is usually best to discuss the accident or situation with an attorney before moving forward with filing a case. A skilled lawyer can assist you to determine whether you have a legitimate claim, what to expect and if it is worth pursuing. In many instances, individuals underestimate the value of their injury or loss in an accident that was caused by others. Our legal team help to protect your quality of life for the present as well as the future.

You have been injured in an accident that was no fault of your own

If you are the victim of a vehicular accident, medical malpractice, and defective products or have been hurt through no fault of your own as a pedestrian, cyclist passenger on a cruise ship or airliner or while in a nursing home it may be beneficial to discuss the circumstances of your case with a member of our legal team at For Your Rights.  It is also important to recognize whether you need to pursue a case or not if a loved one died as a result of an accident, malpractice, abuse or negligence. This is even more critical when the loss of the individual severely impacts the well-being of the children and other family members. An attorney can help to compute an appropriate compensation based on the needs of the individual. Being able to make a decision to pursue compensation for injury or wrongful death can provide vital care to those injured and or support for those left behind.

If you are sure that you have a right to compensation but have doubts that you can adequately represent yourself?

Ask yourself whether you have the time or ability to decipher the complicated laws surrounding your case and if you are prepared to take a chance on losing out on the financial compensation if you were unsuccessful. Although it is possible to settle without the services of a lawyer, it may be prudent to engage in a free consultation with an attorney to determine the best option for you based on the issues involved in your case.

Evaluate the severity and immediacy of your situation

If you were in an accident that you believe was not your fault but are being accused of the wrongful death of the driver or a passenger in the negligent vehicle; it may be time to seek the help of a lawyer. It is important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible also if you’ve been injured and plan to pursue your rights in the case.

You should seek legal counsel

if you are representing a loved one that was disabled or died as a result of medical malpractice or an on-the-job accident. These can present various levels of complications that require extensive legal knowledge and experience to successfully navigate.

Whether you decide to represent yourself or seek the services of an attorney, it is important to get the best legal counsel available. The primary benefit of legal representation is to protect you from losing out on what is rightfully yours as well as to avoid taking any action that may hurt your case if you later decide to retain a lawyer. With the right law firm representing you, you can be confident that you have the support that you need to achieve the best outcome for you and your loved one.

Find out more about the benefits of having legal representation, your rights and even if you have a legitimate case by contacting the law firm of Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath. For a free consultation call us at (561) 655-1990 or (561) 655-1990 or at for an online chat with our professional caring legal team.